Si ayer os informábamos que un escritor había demandado a Ubisoft por plagio, hoy nos hemos enterado que no solo pretende cobrar dinero como indemnización:

Un millón de dolares por violación del Copyrigth

Cinco millones por daños y perjuicios

Si no que también pretende que la serie se cierre de aquí en adelante, incluido Assassin’s Creed 3, lo que cancelaría su lanzamiento y el de posteriores productos.

Extraído de la demanda:

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff John L. Beiswenger respectfully requests:
A. That injunctive relief be granted preventing and restraining
Defendants Ubisoft and Defendant Gametrailers, its officers, agents, servants,
employees, and attorneys, and all persons in active participation with any of them
from further infringement of Plaintiff’s copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C.A. § 502,
including the release of the Assassin’s Creed III video games and related books,
videos, clips, or other works based on Assassin’s Creed III.
B. That judgment be entered against Defendants Ubisoft and Defendant
Gametrailers and in favor of Plaintiff for such statutory damages as Plaintiff has
sustained in consequence of Defendants Ubisoft and Defendant Gametrailers
infringement of said copyright in an amount no less than the sum of One Million
Fifty Thousand ($1,050,000.00) Dollars, in the alternative of willful infringement
the sum of Five Million Two-Hundred Fifty Thousand ($5,250,000.00) Dollars
pursuant to 17 U.S.C.A. § 504 (c). 41
C. That Defendants Ubisoft and Defendant Gametrailers be required to
pay Plaintiff the legal fees and expenses of this action as they accrue, along with
interest, as provided by 17 U.S.C.A. § 505.
D. That Plaintiff is awarded all such other and further relief the court
deems fair and just in this action”

¿Ubisoft permitirá la destrucción de una de las sagas más exitosas y rentables de la historia?

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